Salazar, our town sits 5 km to Villarcayo, The Merindades´s Capital of the old Castilla, at the north of the Burgos province.

This house is in the outside of the center, direction to Otedo and Linares.

To get to Salazar from Madrid, drive to A-1 to Burgos. Continue in the N-623 until you get to Sotopalacios where we change road to the CL-629 until we get to Villarcayo, BU-561 to Cigueña were we go to a local road until Salazar.

From Barcelona drive throw the A-2 until Zaragoza from there in the AP-68 direction Bilbao until you go out in 9 Haro-Casalareina. Continue direction Casalareina and go out in the direction N-232 to Santander until you get to Pancorbo, continue in the A-1 direction Madrid until you have past Santa Maria Ribarredonda where we well go back to the N-232 direction Santander until you pass Oña. There we go on the N-629 direction to Trespaderne - Laredo until Medina the Pomar from where we get to Villarcayo in the Bu-560.

From Bilbao, in the C-6318 direction Valmaseda until El Crucero were we continue until Villarcayo throw the CL-629.